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2017: Can We Expect Safe China Food?

In 2014, Al Jazeera English Channel had done an investigation regarding the food safety in China.

After adopted a tougher food safety law in 2013, thousands of people were arrested, however as shown in their video, Fake ingredients, Banned pesticides, and Banned pharmaceutical are still......everywhere.

In 2015, a new law claimed to be the strictest food safety law in Chinese history shows the proactive attitude of the Chinese government in cracking down on food scandals that have affected the country in recent years, leading to poor consumer confidence in domestic products. CFDA and local FDAs are now granted more enforcement powers in addressing food safety issues.

In 2017, after one year of implementation of the new food safety law, can we expect safe China food?

Al Jazeera English Channel - "Fake food scandal continues to rock China"

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