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The New Method to Partial Hydrogenate Oils From Seeds To Produce Trans Fats Free PHOs Is Or Is Not C

Zero trans fats

63 countries and the World Health Organisation blame partial hydrogenation for producing trans fats in oil, which in turn aided every 1 out of 3 family in Asia having a chronic illness.

According to the Nutrition Insight’s post, the new method called HVACP seems to solve the problem.

Does this mean the new PHOs* do not harm anymore any longer?

Unfortunately 99% of the scientists do not test the oil in the work place. The scientists acting for the manufacturer or Council for Canola or Soybean – whoever the funder of the research maybe clearly state what they are researching. They do not report what happens after it is used. Of course if they did they would have to report that the conventional method for partial hydrogenated oils is bad because these oils when exposed to the high heat in the fryer, oven or production line makes & raises the levels of oxides, peroxides, aldehydes and trans fats.

The intention of partially hydrogenating the oil is to increase the thickness of oil, so that it can replace margarine and shortenings in producing baked food.

Yet once in the Baker's ovens involves the temperature needed to bake the cookies, bread, cakes, etc. goes above 50°C and onto 160°C and very often the temperature > 200°C for more than 5 minutes.

At these temperatures no matter how the oil is made - the oils resistance to oxidation, hydrolysis from the air and polymerisation with other mixed compounds, is not strong enough. Just like a green banana exposed to light and heat, so turning yellow and very quickly going brown & mushy.

Hence all oils under high temperatures breakdown to form aldehydes, glycerol, free fatty acids, trans fats and or total polar compounds ("TPC") that are all harmful for our body.

Heat, air and moisture hurts the oil

Soybean oil after hydrogenation will have less polyunsaturated and more saturated fat. Polyunsaturated oils are even weaker against the temperature changes and once air gets into the oil – the oil will quickly oxidise and become rancid and the levels of TPCs rise to make it unhealthy quicker than oils with small percentages (<30%).

After all seeds oils that are exposed to high temperatures, pressure, chemical solvents have their natural strengths (often called "Mother Nature") damaged and hence the oil, depending upon the amount of polyunsaturates, will decompose or breakdown into unhealthy substances including deadly trans fats. polyunsaturated oils breaks down much faster than any oil containing monounsaturated fats above 55%.

* PHOs = Partially hydrogenated oils


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