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Trends in Fats and Oils

In the Food Navigator’s news on 2 Aug 2016, it concluded three trends in different areas of the oil production. How to produce the oil?

Minimal Processing: Cold-pressed, Artisanal

Cold Pressed oils

Like wine, people now prefer oil made in a more natural way. “Cold-pressed” was used only to produce olive oil in the past, because it keeps olive’s natural flavors and nutrients. But now many oils are cold-pressed to fulfill consumers’ desires of minimal processed foods.

People also want to know the story behind the oil likes the origins and the method of production. It gives transparency so that adulteration is less likely to happen. The sense of craftsmanship implies the manufacturers have take good care of the oil, hence the oil become more valuable.

What oil to produce?

Better Fatty Acid Profile: High Stability Oils Manufacturers trying to change the plants to control the fatty acid profile of the oil, no matters through genetically modification (GM) or traditional hybrid breeding. It literally solve the problem as the enhanced fatty acids profile make the oil more stable thus safer and healthier. High Oleic or High Monounsaturated is the direction as Oleic acid is healthiest component with good stability.

Are there alternative sources of oil?

Novel approach – Look for New Sources

Algae Powder

Algae powder from TerraVia

Algae oil is the new kind of oil that has very good fatty acid profile, therefore high smoke point and stability. While the oil is currently not approved in Europe, the algae powders made by same company got the green light from EFSA. The powders provide buttery flavour and the emulsifying properties that are good for egg-free vegan baking.


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