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Trans Fat Bans Cause a Reduction in CVD Mortality Rates

From Report: Trans Fat and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: Evidence from Bans in Restaurants in New York - Brandon Restrepo and Matthias Rieger, EUI Working Paper MWP 2014/12

CVD-Related Mortality reduced with Trans Fat Bans

"Low levels of artificial trans fat consumption increases the incidence of CVD such as heart disease."

"The results indicate that trans fat bans cause a 4% reduction in CVD mortality rates, which translates into a reduction of about 12 CVD deaths per 100,000 persons per year."

"Using recent estimates of the Value of a Statistical Life-Year, we estimate that the fatal heart attacks prevented by trans fat bans, even if they extend life by only one year, can be valued at about $3 million per 100,000 persons annually."


Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety report stated that:

Studies showed that an intake of 2% energy from trans fats can lead to a 23% increasing chance of having CVD.


Images adapted from

1 in 4 are likely to get a Cardio Vascular Disease using trans fats rich oils. The biggest obstacle to choosing healthier oils is the reluctant "attitude" of the people including all chefs & backup staff to accept the change over.

KFC in their annual 2015 report clearly state that low polyunsaturated & saturated fatty oils are the safest, for instance high oleic oils & Canola oils. The whole world knows that after New York States change to using the lowest Trans Fats possible the incidence of cardio vascular diseases fell by 40%.

This means 1 worker in 4 is likely to get the disease (heart attacks, blood clots, heart failures). So aside from savings of 30% on cost of goods, higher quality, more nourishing & longer shelf life food. You can save many consumers from contracting Cardio diseases, cancer & chronic diseases by teaching them to eat out at restaurants declaring they have the best ingredients including oils with the least trans fats .

If you need proof look at Steven Hortons' profile - I am going to post a report on the topic. I hope you get back to me to learn how Enjoi's two low Trans fats oils work for the longest period safely & achieve for most the goals - so we can all make the change and enjoy healthy food and have healthy lives!



1. Trans Fat and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: Evidence from Bans in Restaurants in New York - Brandon Restrepo and Matthias Rieger, EUI Working Paper MWP 2014/12 The report can be download here. 2. Food Safety Focus (16th Issue, November 2007) – Incident in FocusTrans Fats in Foods - Centre for Food Safety

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