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Don't Believe Some of the Labels that Say "Imported from"

5 Grades of Olive Oil

Should you pay $1 for a bottle of Virgin Olive imported from Italy and $0.00 for a bottle pretending to be exported from Italy.

On May 23, 2014 Salov and Italfoods inc. are accused on 5 counts “for violations of the Consumer Legal Remedies Act,

  1. false advertising,

  2. unfair trade practices,

  3. breach of contract,

  4. breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, and

  5. fraud, deceit and/or misrepresentation.”

What does Imported mean to you?

At the root of the case is the statement “Imported from Italy” on the label of Filippo Berio olive oil.

Salov say there is no evidence that consumers of the olive oil firmly believe that “imported from Italy” to mean that the Filippo Berio olive oil was only made from Italian olives.

Salon said the word “imported” means “shipped out of,”

HOW many CONSUMERS reading the label know that the term “imported from Italy” as written on the Filippo Berio Olive Oil label clearly and simply implies or means that the olive oil was made from olives grown, crushed, bottled, and shipped from Italy.

There are other court actions occurring in Europe & Italy on similar matters.Which implies the forces of truth are against Berio and its promoters.

BERIO is a MAJOR LABEL on SUPER MARKET SHELVES IN HONG KONG & CHINA - Below are some pictures we take in local supermarkets. The labels now do not contain the "imported from Italy".

Should innocent people pay a $1.0 for it when there are other genuine traceable olive oils that are grown, crushed and packed in Tunisia, Portugal or France.

The olive oil Filippo Berio exposed from Italy and imported by Salov a North America Corp., is the third-largest brand of olive oil sold in the United States, with sales of $137.4 million in 2015.

Note olive oil plays a role both in damaging blood vessels as well as forming atherosclerotic plaques.”

Olive oil is a processed, concentrated fat extract and thus has lost most of the nutritional value of its original form (the olive itself).

Extra virgin olive oil, meanwhile, is no more processed than the juice of any other fruit. Extra virgin olive oil, by definition, contains phenolic compounds, which have been shown to have numerous health benefits.

EVOO meal reduced FMD by 31 percent, while the others did not. In fact, as Flynn pointed out, the author of the study had stated that the mechanism appeared to be oxidative stress because the decrease in FMD was reduced 71 percent by the concomitant administration of vitamins C and E.

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