Poor Lifestyle & Diet Choice Increase Trans Fats Intake
Eating is a big part in our life. We enjoy the taste of food and gain energy to support our body and we develop our own lifestyle and...

The New Method to Partial Hydrogenate Oils From Seeds To Produce Trans Fats Free PHOs Is Or Is Not C
63 countries and the World Health Organisation blame partial hydrogenation for producing trans fats in oil, which in turn aided every 1...

Save Money with the Low PUFA% oils. Smoking, alcohol & drugs are Restricted – We should Eliminat
63 countries around the world think it’s a good idea to Reduce Future Medical Expenses and avoid a chronic illness by not working in...

Why Some Vegetable Oils are Not Healthy?
Knowing about what you eat is always important because: Enjoi always likes to gather people thoughts about oils, and how they make...

Trans Fat Bans Cause a Reduction in CVD Mortality Rates
From Report: Trans Fat and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: Evidence from Bans in Restaurants in New York - Brandon Restrepo and...

Glyphosate, GMO Seed and Trans Fats are Not Good for Making Food
Over the last week lots of newspapers etc. are talking about Glyphosate, GMO seed and trans fats. Here is a quick summary. RoundUp...

Toxic Culprits Found In Vegetable Oils
Is vegetable oil really the healthier choice? Currently the South African Food Based Dietary Guidelines among other countries in the...

Join the Enjoi Crusade, be Trans Fats Free
INVITATION TO JOIN THE ENJOI CRUSADE TO GO TRANS FAT FREE. 我們誠摯邀請您加入Enjoi的食用油革新計劃,推行無反式脂肪烹飪,食用健康油,享受健康生活。 The Enjoi Crusade opens the...