Save Money with the Low PUFA% oils. Smoking, alcohol & drugs are Restricted – We should Eliminat
63 countries around the world think it’s a good idea to Reduce Future Medical Expenses and avoid a chronic illness by not working in...

KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell: Yum! Brands wants to remove all palm oil
Click here to download Chinese version of the page. From The Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015 of Yum! Brands, we can...

Glyphosate, GMO Seed and Trans Fats are Not Good for Making Food
Over the last week lots of newspapers etc. are talking about Glyphosate, GMO seed and trans fats. Here is a quick summary. RoundUp...

最健康、最美味炸魚薯條 The Most Healthy and Delicious Fish & Chips
Hooked – 香港最好的新西蘭炸魚薯條外帶店。因為身為廚師的老闆希望令他的炸魚薯條看起來特別吸引,味道自然、新鮮、香脆和美味得讓你食指大動。每個顧客都知道他們正在享用香港最健康的炸魚薯條,只要聞到從廚房傳來的香味和看到食物完美的顏色,每個客人都會想開一瓶生啤酒配上美食,...