Erratic Weather in Mediterranean & Increasing Demand in China: Olive Oil Prices Reach New High
In 2014, the muggy weather brought Mediterranean countries including Spain, Italy and France the fruit flies and bacteria that caused...

2017: Can We Expect Safe China Food?
In 2014, Al Jazeera English Channel had done an investigation regarding the food safety in China. After adopted a tougher food safety law...

Find Real Extra Virgin Olive Oil in China
Real Extra Virgin Olive oil comes either as a Vintage wine & its potluck if it's good after 3 months in a bottle. Even if the vintage oil...

Unsatisfactory Result of Okoer's Soybean Oil Evaluation in China
Last year Okoer's evaluation of extra virgin olive oil in China, got an unsatisfactory result. It revealed 10 distributors are selling...

The OKOER Report Exposes 10 Extra Virgin Olive Oil Distributors are Selling Unsafe & Counterfeit
Please note this is a summary adapted from www.okoer.com. The reason for provide the full report is to raise public awareness of the full...

Enjoi is on Taobao now!
Enjoi Ltd. opened its official Taobao shop. Go take a look! 澳享的官方淘寶店已正式開張,快去看看吧! For Hong Kong customers, you can still buy oil from us...