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About Us 關於澳享

Enjoi Limited is a Hong Kong based company that specializes in education and developing packaged products as well as delivering authentic and certified Extra Virgin Olive Oil, High Oleic Sunflower Oil and Canola Oil. Cooking oils that are specific for Hong Kong, Macau and China markets. We have production capacity more than 1.8 million liters in Year 2013 and storage capacity in Hong Kong, Macau and China. We dedicate ourselves to develop frying oil management system and provides One-Stop Solution to all kind of food businesses.

We are proud of providing you our oils that tested by licensed International Olive Council’s laboratories (equipped to do accurately all the tests including for adulteration & rancidity) and pass the strictest testing requirements.



Why Us 為何選擇澳享

The big difference between Enjoi and the rest is we care about your health.

While many of our competitors selling oil with low Monounsaturated Omega-9 fats & high Polyunsaturated (Omega-3 and Omega-6) fats that create trans fats, curdle the oil and go dark as they run and burn off quickly. Some others selling oils that may keep long but high in saturated fats that raise the risk of cardiovascaular diseases.

Our oils are scientifically proved to provide you nutrients from oil but not toxic chemicals.

Features of our oils:

  • Authentic and Certified Australian cooking oils  

  • Natural and Pure  

  • Nutritionally Healthy  

  • Versatile for Different Cooking Cuisines  

  • Attractive non bitter taste, holds the aroma & not sticky  

Enjoi 比其他食油供應商更關心你的健康

市面上的食用油如大豆油、菜籽油,大多含有 低單元不飽和脂肪酸(奧米加9)及 高多元不飽和脂肪酸 (奧米加3和6),這些油不但容易氧化變壞,而且煮食過程中產生的有害物質會在食物中不斷累積,繼而影響健康。另外一些油如棕櫚油和椰子油,則因含有高飽和脂肪酸而有較長壽命,但是長期食用高飽和脂肪酸會增加心血管疾病的風險。


Enjoi 食油特式:

  • 澳洲進口、通過科學檢測

  • 天然、純正

  • 健康脂肪比例

  • 可配合各種菜式

  • 原汁原味、不黏、不澀

What We Do 我們的行動

We partner with a specialized, boutique oil refinery in Victoria, South Australia and source only Non-Genetic Modified (Non-GM) seeds. We use the latest growing and irrigating techniques so that the trees get the maximum amount of beneficial water and soil nutrients. The grove has its own latest design plant and harvesting machinery, storage tanks for over 1 million litres and laboratories. There are two bottling lines and able to keep the oils fresh, air tight and cool unitl the orders come through for bottles, 10 Litres tubs, 1000 Litres tanks and 24,000 Litres bladders.

We specialize in the providing the lowest saturated fat oilthe lowest trans fat content over the fry life of the oil, and the highest Omega-9 content (Monounsaturated fat) known as Oleic acid.



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